
意大利冬天的黎明比夏天的清楚多了。 从我书房的窗户我能看到连个多远的大山: 离我家一百公里的格兰萨索山 (Gran Sasso)和西比里尼山 (Sibillini), 两个两千多米高, 连个在夏天看不到的

The far far far away peak of Gran Sasso, ski slopes above Ascoli Piceno, Monte Ascencione, the Sibillini mountains and the tree in my garden

The far far far away peak of Gran Sasso, ski slopes above Ascoli Piceno, Monte Ascensione, the Sibillini mountains and the tree in my garden

Gran Sasso, ski slopes above Ascoli Piceno, Monte Ascensione, the Sibillini mountains

Detail of above

Dawn and cloud over the Val d’Aso, looking toward the sea

Dawn and cloud over the Val d’Aso, looking toward the sea